Professional Land Surveyors & Mappers


Experienced Surveyors,  Planners & Innovators.

Our Survey Menu


construction & DEVELOPMENT & Site IMprovements, design build, As-Built Surveys

When developing a new site, there will be a succession of required survey consulting services involved. Whether the site is already vacant or there is planned demolition you will need a Boundary Survey. Aside from existing improvements, the Boundary survey will likely require additional information such as more comprehensive utility locations (including underground), topographic data, tree locations or possibly locating elements of adjoiner improvements. Note your contractor will require a Construction Layout Surveys or “stakeouts” of proposed improvements.  Most municipal building departments will also require periodic As-Built surveys to ensure that construction is adhering to planned horizontal and vertical.

purchase or refinances residential & commercial

A Boundary Survey are typical when you are purchasing or refinancing a home or commercial property. A Boundary Survey will also identify all improvements on the property and whether there are any physical encumbrances such as encroachments into easements. Condominium surveys are specialized forms of Boundary surveys, condominium limits usually describe the actual physical elements comprising the unit both horizontally and vertically. These elements are fully described in the condominium’s Declaration of Covenants. Commercial property may require an ALTA standards survey and a Boundary survey. 


master planning

  • Site Planning and Urban Design Consulting

  • Charrette Planning *

  • Urban revitalization Platting

  • New Town Master Planning

  • Design- Land Use feasibility studies

  • Master Planning Consulting

  • Contextual Standards and Guidelines

  • Market-Real Plans and Strategies

* The term ‘charrette’ is derived from the French word for ‘little cart’ and refers to the intense work of architects before a deadline. At the nineteenth century Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris, as carts circulated to collect final drawings, students would jump on the ‘charrette’ to put the final touches on their presentations.

topographic Survey & data

A Topographic Survey is required specifically whenever vertical data is needed. If there is a need to change or correct drainage problems, or for complete redeveloped. Developing a project site plan may include changes to the property’s grading. Design professionals will need to know existing grades to determine how much dirt will be needed to either be added to raise the existing grade elevations or excavated and lower elevations of the grade. For much larger projects, a Quantity Survey may be required to calculate the volume of fill.

boundary survey

A Boundary Survey may be required when there are field mistakes to errors in legal descriptions or errors in property line locations. Unfortunately, this can lead to incorrect locations of a property’s improvements relative to the required setbacks, arguments with neighbors, and matters requiring legal action to correct.  Land Surveyors cannot identify “ownership” of property but can isolate matters of survey law and report these findings with a Boundary Survey. 


site development

  • Due Diligence Studies

  • Site Planning Services

  • Rezoning master planning

  • Planned Unite Development Code

  • Land Use Plan Amendments

  • Platting Coordination

  • New Towns

  • Subdivisions

  • Construction site plan

fema elevation certificates

If your property falls within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) as delineated on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM’s), it is recommended that you obtain flood insurance. If your home is financed, your lender will require a Flood Elevation certificate. We can provide FEMA Elevation Certificates that denote all the required vertical data that insurance agents or a lender may require to determine flood insurance premiums. If you are trying to remove your property from a Special Flood Hazard Area, we can also provide a Topographic survey or a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). 

special purpose survey & liquor license

A Special Purpose Surveys are typically required by local municipalities to obtain certain type licenses. These “SPECIFIC” surveys are also known as Radius Surveys, GIS or Distance Surveys. The survey is specific to the licensee and locations due diligence requirements or type use for the site, some special Purpose Survey a/k/a Specific Purpose Survey include, Wetland delineation, harvesting, cultivating, manufacturing, packaging, and liquor license permits, Large Scale, Seawall and dock permits, canal cross-sections, parking lot renovations, utility and infrastructure planning, mortgage investigations, land planning disputes, litigation as it relates to property and testimony, assisted living facilities. 


survey construction phasing & Consulting

  • Survey Site Development Consulting

  • Construction Project Management

  • Construction Monitoring & drawing reviews

  • Field Directives

  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control

  • Survey planning & design Consulting

  • As-Built

  • 3D Modeling of the Built Environment